As a man, I'm not sure it's a gender thing. It's a LinkedIn thing. Since Microsoft purchased LI it has slipped into a recruting and career site. There is very little of value, very little original content, and very many Platitude Wisdom that people just copy and paste. Why?
Even as a man, I find LinkedIn to be highly demotivational. I'm glad moms (and dads who stayed home with the kids) are coming back into the work force. And I hope our "privledge" of having access to computers and wifi doesn't cause us to forget about the low wage workers who are fighting for their lives.
You seem to be looking for some community on LI that was lost about 8 years ago. As far as the bro club, fk that, I'm a bro and I hate it too. But, I'm happy to connect with you on LinkedIn and share any of my connections that you would like an introduction to. I'm here to help.